Why CBD and Skin? The Science of Skincare


Why CBD and Skin?

The benefits of using CBD in skincare products are often understated. We're clearing the air about why we think CBD is a must-have in all topical products.


CBD is a more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C, E, or A (9). This antioxidant property of CBD (and other cannabinoids) fights free radical damage and stimulates recovery from oxidative stress (9). Without antioxidants as a part of your skin care routine, oxidative stress can break down collagen, hinder skin’s natural repair process, and trigger inflammation. You’ll often see the effect of these stressors as fine lines, wrinkles, loose skin, and even acne breakouts.


Applied topically, CBD binds to a special set of receptors in the skin known as TRPV-1 receptors, where CBD can reduce feelings of pain, heat, and itch (3456). In this way, CBD and other cannabinoids have significant potential a novel therapeutic agents for health and disease (68).


Applying CBD topically induces the endocannabinoid system to regulate the various dermal processes for more radiant, moisturized skin! (12356) CBD protects the skin from free radical damage such as UV rays, environmental pollutants, and toxins that contribute to the visible signs of aging. Inflammation impedes the skin’s natural regenerative process. By reducing inflammation and free radical damage CBD allows the skin to repair itself and correct visible signs of aging.


Acne is characterized by the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance the body produces to protect the outer layers of the skin (1567). CBD helps control the overproduction of lipids (including sebum) in skin cells, which makes it a preventative for acne. In addition CBD shows potential as an antibacterial agent (1011), which means CBD can reduce the degree to which bacteria aggravate the oily region of the skin’s pores (1256).

Key Takeaways

The skin is the largest and most assaulted organ of the body. Fortunately, cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the skin and body. These receptors are part of our body’s endocannabinoid system, which is profoundly involved in the the homeostasis of our skin. When we use a cannabinoid, such as CBD on our skin it induces the endocannabinoid system to respond. These responses are offer functional therapeutic support to a range of conditions such as inflammation, redness relief, and protection from environmental pollutants-- all while soothing aches and pains!
Additionally, healthy skin relies on the body’s ability to grow new cells while discarding the old ones (56). Another process the endocannabinoid system works to regulate is the production of new cells (5), the result of which is more radiant, moisturized skin! 


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